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Ask advice from women. Ask advice from men. Tell us your love story 192 24 Sat, 09 June 2018 By: Tell us about your experience in online dating or ask for advice 357 51 Tue, 08 May 2018 By: Discussions related to breakup and deceiving 50 8 Tue, 06 March 2018 By: Discussions related to relationships between people from different countries 202 41 Mon, 25 June 2018 By: Taking your online date offline 88 11 Tue, 13 March 2018 By: Transitioning from Dating to Marriage 17 6 Wed, 13 December 2017 By: Making it even stronger. How to avoid typical mistakes. Most users ever online was 8275 on Tue, 21 June 2011 14:23 We have 2912 registered users. The newest registered user is Last message on the forum: Legend New messages since last read No new messages since last read Redirection Welcome to Dating Forums Every person used dating forums at least once in life. Even if the person didn't use forums, he will tell you that he did, because some years ago it was really popular. Today we want to rehabilitate the popularity of dating forums, because as practice shows, it is useful anyway. Benefits you will get by joining LiveDating. Networking opportunities No matter how long these relationships are in your life, everything comes to the end, eventually. So here you are at home and you don't know what to do next with your problem and how to deal with it. You search the Internet, you find some blogs and articles, send emails to follow them up but when they don't reply, you're back to square. And there is no appropriate way out, you are single again. Being active in the forum you have chosen and interacting with subscribers is all that you need to get you name out here. Guys who read you replies will remember your name and later will be more susceptible to your replies. Perhaps, guys, who have found your ideas and viewpoints helpful and interesting, might try to contact you. Get ideas Dating forum helps you to keep an open eye according any issues that people ask. Moreover, fervent disputes and anything else that will give a good piece of experience for you. Shall you have any questions or issues related to online dating, love or relationship, feel free to start a topic and ask our online dating experts. The real professionals will help you with advise, focusing on achieving your goals and making this in polite and respectful way. Regardless of whatever situation you're in, there is a solution. The most important is to start. As you know, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so go ahead and let you achieve your goals. Forum is the best place, if you want to verify you own ideas and you want to gain some new ideas. The more people are discussing in the forum, the more potential ideas you will get. Increase knowledge Imagine that you just started your relationship and you're a newbie. Instead of making sense of everything, you feel like you're slapping like a fish without water. Then you join a LiveDating. Better still, there are people who got this experience and share it with you! You've just hit jackpot: you avoid general pitfalls and learn fast at the same time! Build relationships As time has proven, forums are a splendid source for building both love relationship and friendship. The best thing about is that you doesn't take the extra effort to build the relationship. Just being an active member of a forum, engaging and networking with other users, giving a helping hand, you automatically build these relationships. If it doesn't concern and relate to you, it doesn't mean that it's unimportant. Pay attention, it might me useful! Don't neglect something just because it wasn't meant for you. Active discussions are encouraged. Remember, the more you contribute to the Forum, the more your Rank increases and the more replies you will get to your own posts. Finally, keep in mind some online forums golden rules: be active and respectful, helpful and engaging, give value and what is the most important — don't spam.